apostolic in doctrine • pentecostal in experience

Lighthouse Charlottesville was founded as the First United Pentecostal Church of Charlottesville and the inaugural meeting of the assembly was held on May 12, 1972 in the old Mayo Chapel building on Avon St. Extended. Rev. David L. Hale pastored the flock from 1972 until 1979, during which time the church moved from its original location to our current campus, north of the city, off Proffit Rd.

On November 20, 1997, Rev. & Mrs. William R. Love Sr. were elected to fill the role of Senior Pastor and our church began to experience exponential growth! It was under their leadership that our name was changed from Apostolic Lighthouse Church to Lighthouse Worship Center, construction was initiated and completed on the William R. Love Sr. Family Center, and property was purchased to expand our campus to accommodate an ever-growing congregation.

In the Spring of 2013, Pastor Love publicized his intention to retire from full-time pastoral ministry and, in September of the same year, Rev. & Mrs. Chris Fitzwater were elected to fill the vacated position. Since the pastoral tradition, we have continued to experience both numerical and spiritual growth.


  • SENIOR PASTOR Rev. Chris Fitzwater

    Our senior pastor spent his formative years in Kingsport, TN and benefited greatly from the ministries of Pastors James E. Tharp and D. Keith Barker at Christian Life Center of the Tri-Cities, where he served as minister of music and student pastor.

    In 2001, he met his perfect match when he married Lisa Douglas of Ocala, FL. He and his bride felt the call to Charlottesville in late 2008 and made the transition in December of that year to assist then-pastor William R. Love Sr. at Lighthouse.

    He was elected senior pastor on September 1, 2013; and, with God's help, continues to carry the vision of impacting Central Virginia with the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


    With a bachelor of arts degree in Christian music and a master's degree in education, Lisa's love for moulding young minds began at an early age. Before moving to Charlottesville, she taught in the public school system for seven years and also worked as the principal of Christian Life Academy in Kingsport, TN.

    She currently serves as the financial director of Lighthouse Christian Preschool.

  • From November 20, 1997 until September 1, 2013, Bishop & Mrs. William Love Sr. faithfully served Lighthouse as senior pastor. During their pastorate, our church experienced exponential growth and Apostolic revival, growing from a mere handful of members to a thriving congregation.

    Following his retirement from full-time pastorate in Charlottesville, he began making weekly trips to Danville, VA to help reestablish a thriving Apostolic church in that city.

    With a Bible Study chart firmly secured under his arm and a welcoming smile on his face, Bishop Love remains active in ministry and is a trusted advisor to our pastoral team.



The mission of Lighthouse Charlottesville is synonymous with our purpose and process. We believe that God has strategically assembled and specifically designed this body of believers, challenging us to...

  • CONNECT to God and Others
  • GROW Together in Spirit and Number
  • IMPACT Our World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ



  • Sunday / 10:00 am - Christian Development (Classes for All Ages)
  • Sunday / 11:00 am - Worship
  • Tuesday / 7:00 pm - Prayer Connection
  • Wednesday / 7:00 pm - Family Night (Meal & Fellowship)
  • Wednesday / 7:30 pm - Adult Bible Study
  • Wednesday / 7:30 pm - Lighthouse KIDZ
  • Wednesday / 7:30 pm - Lighthouse Students